Monday, 9 May 2011


As it is impossible to see Rome in a day we had to make a difficult choice. The Vatican was the winner, although we did, quickly, tour ancient Rome before arriving at the Vatican city. Our tour guide was extremely knowledgeable, so much so that digesting the amount of interesting facts she had to share gave me heartburn. St.Peters square, St.Peters Bascilica, and the Sistine chapel were beyond words beautiful and carry so much history that it was both emotional and heartstopping to consider!

Unfortunately the crowds made it near impossible to stop and take in much of the beauty as the security guards voiced their wish for us to move along. AVANTI AVANTI!
The beatification of Pope John Paul II on May 2, added to the crowds as many came to worship and pay homage to him.
I underestimated the walking involved, as the Vatican is small in area but large in history.
My feet are sore but I would not have missed a single step!

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